Wednesday, April 28, 2010

List O' Laughs

Well, I feel like it's been way too long since I've last blogged, and I definitely can't leave you with that last depressing blog, so here's my shot at redemption.

The year is almost over, and I really don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, I'm glad that I won't have to stress over tests for the upcoming three months. But on the other hand, I know I'm going to miss the crazy people I've met here at SWOSU...well most of them.

Last night, I was laying in bed, and for some reason, I started wondering what life would be like if I hadn't came to SWOSU. To sum it up, according to my dream, I would have been a rich oil tycoon and married to Taylor Swift.



However, in real life, I think it probably would have been a little different...

If I had not came, I would have missed out on a multitude of laughs, including but not limited to:

1. Listening to Trevor tell me the story about him slipping on ice, hitting his head on the hood of a girls car, and the alarm going off.

2. Memorizing every line to the movie I Love You, Man.

3. Having all out brawls with Hulk Hands.

4. Meeting Heath. That alone is worth a million laughs.

5. Playing piano while Kyle improvised lyrics to a group of people I didn't know.

6. Meeting Tyler. Once again, there's another million laughs (at Heath).

7. Eating Caleb's food and watching him blame Brett (the office schmuck) for hours on end.

8. (This one's funny in hindsight but not so much at the time.) Posting a sticky note on my door that told my old roommate that if he didn't wash his clothes, I was going to throw them away..... I was serious.

9. Watching James make random people at Jerry's VERY uncomfortable.

10. Putting on my luchador mask and scaring Nic (this was the first time I met him).

*This list was hard to make, since basically every day another laugh is added to it. If I named everyone, this would go on forever and you'd get bored and quit reading..and we can't have that.

Anyways, I don't really remember where I was headed with this, so I'm just going to end it here, but in short, everything happens for a reason, and I'm glad this year did.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I am broken. I am embarrassed. I feel ignorant and even worse, stupid. This week I have five tests. FIVE! I am taking four different subjects this semester: General Chemistry II, Physics, World History, and Biological Concepts. And yet I have five tests (I had one in my Chem Lab also)! I didn't really mind having them all this week. Well... that's actually a lie lol. (Normally, when people type something they don't mean to, they delete it. But I'm not going to, because this is a prime example at how confused I am right now.) Anyways, I lied. I did mind having them. I hate feeling rushed. Hate it. You may think that's a universal, but trust me, I've met some people that will disprove that theory. I hate stress. Hate it. Usually the people that enjoy being rushed also agree with that. And most of all, I HATE failing, which is exactly what I did on my test today.

If you know me, you know I'm not used to failing (at least academically). 4.0 GPA, Academic All State, Oklahoma Regents Scholar..It's just sorta my knack. I just tend to grasp learning pretty well...or so I thought. I'd like to say that if I had spent more time studying, I would've done better. But the thing is, I spent time. I didn't even go home for Easter because I was studying! Between my job and already busy schedule, my free time is already somewhat limited. So this week, I squeezed out my already subtle me-time and spent it doing chemistry. And in the end, I failed all the same.

Today has humbled me beyond belief. Humbled me to the point of self loathing.

I know usually I write about the positive aspects in life and say to look on the bright side, and so I will try to remain positive through this. Anyone can be happy when times are good, it's when times are tough that true character is shown. So I am going to lift my head and look forward to tomorrow, but if you will, please pray that the grade on that test isn't as bad as I think it is. (That's right, I haven't actually seen the score yet, I just have a feeling. A STRONG feeling. lol) Also, comments are nice, so if you have any positive advice, let me know. Friends and family are what make the bad days tolerable. And sorry about the depressing blog, I thought about not posting this, but it shows that I have troubles too. But nevertheless, it's no worry, tomorrow is another day, and everything is gonna be alright.