Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Fingerprints are an amazing thing! Even though there are over 6 and a half billion people in the world, no one has the same prints! Not only are we seperated by this physical trait, but also by our talents and abilities. We are all different, special in our own way. God made us all in His image, and every person unique. Therefore, don't compare yourself to another. When others succeed, praise their triumphs instead of loathing your shortcomings. Rejoice in their happiness, instead of drowning in your sorrows. The world is full of many different types of people, and each one has a story to tell. In life, it is our duty to listen to listen to one another and learn from their experiences. The world doesn't revolve around a single individual, but instead humanity as a whole. Therefore, be happy for your brothers' and sisters' achievements as if they were your own, for they better the world that we live in. Jealous only harms the envious, so learn to live and love and your life will be enriched in the process.

Yes, those are crowd surfing storm troopers.

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome Cash! That blog wasn't repetitive at all! You should start writing more blogs while you are on airplanes!
