It's no secret that one of the biggest parts of college is developing interpersonal relationships. As a matter of fact, that's actually what I think the purpose of life is. While there are many relationships people need to establish (i.e. friendships, business networks, and casual acquaintances), this article will focus primarily on the romantic ones.
Plenty of people come to college looking to meet their significant other, some for that reason alone. It makes sense, what with thousands of people grouped together with similar age and similar life issues. However, don't fall trap to the chaos of having to have someone. Know that you're special, and wait for the person that deserves you.
Don't settle for someone based on looks alone. If they can't hold a conversation, the relationship won't last long. Physical attraction is good, but looks fade. Instead, buy a poster. It'll save you a lot of time and money.
Go for someone that you don't think you can get. They'll be the one who makes you want to be better, just to be worthy of their time. When you discover someone who thinks as highly of you as you do of them, you've found the right person.
But while I stress not settling, I also think it's important to realize that no one is perfect. If you wait for the perfect super model to sweep you off your feet, carry you into the sunset, and never do you wrong, you'll die alone. Realize that you yourself aren't perfect, so you can't expect them to be either. True love is acknowledging their faults, accepting them, and loving them unconditionally.
In conclusion, love is confusing. However, it's worth it. It must be for so many songs and movies to be as popular as they are. Keep looking for your soulmate, and don't give up. Take comfort that they're on their journey towards finding you as well. And when you meet up, and life seems like it's too good to be true, let it be. Keep dreaming. Live in imagination, because everyone deserves happiness.

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