Happy Valentine's day..even though that was three days ago. Sorry it's taken me so long to post another blog, but as I said, time flies.
The definition of a blog is an online, daily written record of (usually personal) experiences. However, in most of my blogs so far, I haven't really recorded what I've experienced, but rather how I've felt, and I definitely haven't posted updates daily. Therefore, in this blog, I'm just going to tell you exactly what happened on my Valentine's day...and well, I might also throw in my thoughts along the way.
Valentine's day was this past Sunday, and I didn't have a Valentine, so I decided to go home and spend it with my family and friends. Being single, you'd figure that Valentine's day was no fun, however, it turned out to be my favorite February 14th ever.
The day started out just like any other. I woke up, ate breakfast, and prepared for the long drive back to college. I had really wanted to see the movie Valentine's Day in theaters, but I hadn't had the chance to that weekend. (If you're wondering why I wanted to see it, the answer is two simple words..Taylor Swift.) So suddenly, after church, I got the bright idea to take my mom to the movie with me. Everything was going great, until she decided to stretch time as thin as possible. If procrastination is an art form, my mom is Picasso. Since so far, she's my only subscriber, she's bound to read this. So in advance, sorry for ratting you out.
Since we went to an early showing, she figured it wouldn't be very busy. Therefore, she decided to wait until 4:03 to meet me at the theaters...which wouldn't have been a problem if the movie didn't start at 4:05! She underestimated how many people wanted to see Valentine's Day on Valentine's day, and well.. it was packed. The worst part was, we only discovered it was sold out after I had already bought my ticket! So there we were with one ticket between two people and the previews already rolling. Needless to say, I wasn't very happy. We decided to just buy another ticket to a different movie, and try to sneak in anyways. There was only one seat available at the back of the theater, and so being the gentleman I am (lol), I decided to give her the seat and sit on the ground.
Halfway through the movie, sitting on the sticky theater floor, it finally became clear to me the lesson I was supposed to learn. Valentine's is about loving others, and that's what I needed to do. Love isn't love if you only love people's good attributes. You have to love everything about them.
You have to love them enough to wish the best for them, even if it means worse for you. You have to love unjudgingly and wholeheartedly. You have to love them enough to sit on the floor and laugh at their quirks and enjoy life's ride.
Therefore readers, take your eyes off of yourselves on "Singles Awareness Day" as well as every other day, and love others for all that they are. Help someone out and show them what love truely is. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you would be loved, love and be lovable." Peace.
I like to think of myself as a economically-minded listmaker, so when the opportunity arises to mark two things off my list at the same time, my mind goes into "operation overload", squeezing in whatever I can to an already tight agenda. Such was the case with my
ReplyDeletematinee. You call it "procrastination", I call it "multi-tasking". You say "Love 'em in spite of their quirks", I say "THANKS".
HA! i've got 5 posts. what now?!