Friday, July 2, 2010

Welcome to Walgreens!

Hey followers/people that accidentally type in the wrong URL,

Sorry it's been so long since you've heard from me. I can't say I've been particularly busy, more like particularly lazy/unmotivated. But this past week, I finally heard back from Walgreens and once again, I'm here to tell you about my life!

The journey of my Walgreens employment is long and twisted, even though I've only been an actual employee since this past Friday. I actually went and interviewed with Walgreens at the beginning of the summer, and a few weeks later, I got a call back saying they didn't need me if I was only going to be able to work for the summer. After a few cries and beggings, they decided to give me a shot, on the condition that I work there at least one weekend a month while in school. So this past Friday, I showed up expecting to have the best day of my life. Unfortunately, it didn't quite turn out like I had hoped.

Once I arrived, I remembered that "work" isn't too much fun. If you've ever worked at a retail store, you've probably at some point had to face and front the shelves. It's a tedious task that involves just what it says, pulling items to the front of the shelves and make the label face the front. It definitely serves it's purpose, but is also probably one of the most boring jobs ever thought of. Especially when that's your task for seven hours straight. SEVEN HOURS!!!

Anyways, if that wasn't enough to fill my heart to the brim with joy, I also had the pleasure of meeting a work crew that had already established cliques within the first week. So being the new, college, wanna-be pharmacist clique turned out not to have too large of a following. A lot like my blog. lol

The one thing that I actually do like is that I feel completely like Jim Halpert from The Office.

Thank goodness for NBC sitcoms.

So this joyful week has made me wonder, what is so different about this job from my past three?

1. In my past three jobs, I worked with people that I already knew.

I believe that work is work, and what makes it tolerable, even enjoyable, is the people that you work with. Interactions with other people are what make us tick, so already having those connections when I started made the transition process very quick and easy.

2. In my past three jobs, I knew I wasn't going to be spending the rest of my life there.

I've always looked forward to the future and bigger, better times. It's important to set lofty goals, because they give you something to dream of and achieve. It's scary to not have them, because every day loses its purpose. And it's scary to think you've reached the end of the rainbow, when you don't see the pot of gold. <(What a great analogy, Cash! The end of a career search~(rainbow) and a pot of gold~(riches)>

3. In the past three, wait, two jobs, I've loved my bosses.

It's too early to tell whether or not this current one will attain their great levels, but through this, I've definitely realized that leadership DEFINITELY is a big part of happiness in the work place. ... Maybe that's why college places such emphasis on leadership...

4. In the past three jobs, I haven't had to drive half an hour to go to work.

But also.. In the past three, I haven't been able to have thirty minute jam sessions in my car before work.

So as much as I've sort of been dogging my current job, I AM looking forward to the future. I'm looking forward to learning more about pharmacy. I'm looking forward to establishing relationships with my co-workers. I'm looking forward to life.

Anddd if it doesn't work out, maybe NBC will give me my own sitcom..

Thanks for reading, and please leave me a comment if you have any opinions about work! :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

List O' Laughs

Well, I feel like it's been way too long since I've last blogged, and I definitely can't leave you with that last depressing blog, so here's my shot at redemption.

The year is almost over, and I really don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, I'm glad that I won't have to stress over tests for the upcoming three months. But on the other hand, I know I'm going to miss the crazy people I've met here at SWOSU...well most of them.

Last night, I was laying in bed, and for some reason, I started wondering what life would be like if I hadn't came to SWOSU. To sum it up, according to my dream, I would have been a rich oil tycoon and married to Taylor Swift.



However, in real life, I think it probably would have been a little different...

If I had not came, I would have missed out on a multitude of laughs, including but not limited to:

1. Listening to Trevor tell me the story about him slipping on ice, hitting his head on the hood of a girls car, and the alarm going off.

2. Memorizing every line to the movie I Love You, Man.

3. Having all out brawls with Hulk Hands.

4. Meeting Heath. That alone is worth a million laughs.

5. Playing piano while Kyle improvised lyrics to a group of people I didn't know.

6. Meeting Tyler. Once again, there's another million laughs (at Heath).

7. Eating Caleb's food and watching him blame Brett (the office schmuck) for hours on end.

8. (This one's funny in hindsight but not so much at the time.) Posting a sticky note on my door that told my old roommate that if he didn't wash his clothes, I was going to throw them away..... I was serious.

9. Watching James make random people at Jerry's VERY uncomfortable.

10. Putting on my luchador mask and scaring Nic (this was the first time I met him).

*This list was hard to make, since basically every day another laugh is added to it. If I named everyone, this would go on forever and you'd get bored and quit reading..and we can't have that.

Anyways, I don't really remember where I was headed with this, so I'm just going to end it here, but in short, everything happens for a reason, and I'm glad this year did.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I am broken. I am embarrassed. I feel ignorant and even worse, stupid. This week I have five tests. FIVE! I am taking four different subjects this semester: General Chemistry II, Physics, World History, and Biological Concepts. And yet I have five tests (I had one in my Chem Lab also)! I didn't really mind having them all this week. Well... that's actually a lie lol. (Normally, when people type something they don't mean to, they delete it. But I'm not going to, because this is a prime example at how confused I am right now.) Anyways, I lied. I did mind having them. I hate feeling rushed. Hate it. You may think that's a universal, but trust me, I've met some people that will disprove that theory. I hate stress. Hate it. Usually the people that enjoy being rushed also agree with that. And most of all, I HATE failing, which is exactly what I did on my test today.

If you know me, you know I'm not used to failing (at least academically). 4.0 GPA, Academic All State, Oklahoma Regents Scholar..It's just sorta my knack. I just tend to grasp learning pretty well...or so I thought. I'd like to say that if I had spent more time studying, I would've done better. But the thing is, I spent time. I didn't even go home for Easter because I was studying! Between my job and already busy schedule, my free time is already somewhat limited. So this week, I squeezed out my already subtle me-time and spent it doing chemistry. And in the end, I failed all the same.

Today has humbled me beyond belief. Humbled me to the point of self loathing.

I know usually I write about the positive aspects in life and say to look on the bright side, and so I will try to remain positive through this. Anyone can be happy when times are good, it's when times are tough that true character is shown. So I am going to lift my head and look forward to tomorrow, but if you will, please pray that the grade on that test isn't as bad as I think it is. (That's right, I haven't actually seen the score yet, I just have a feeling. A STRONG feeling. lol) Also, comments are nice, so if you have any positive advice, let me know. Friends and family are what make the bad days tolerable. And sorry about the depressing blog, I thought about not posting this, but it shows that I have troubles too. But nevertheless, it's no worry, tomorrow is another day, and everything is gonna be alright.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Simple Life

My goal in life is simple. To be a good man. To be a man that I would respect. Not the king of Sweden, or quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, but an honorable family man that enjoys life and cares for others even when there is no reason to. However, it is very easy to fall from the path of good and listen to the world’s definition of happiness. The world says to look out for yourself, that you come first. But I disagree. The world would be a cold place if we followed that advice. One of the main lessons I’ve learned in life is that people come first. It’s not just a hotel motto; it’s a way to look at life. As Alicia Keys so eloquently put it, “everything means nothing, if I ain’t got you.” The earth is special because it is the only planet that contains life. It’s not the biggest, or the brightest. It holds no marathon records for being the fastest to rotate around the sun (as far as I know). It’s special because of the people that inhabit it. When you were young, you always heard it was better to give than receive. Early in life, it’s hard to imagine that it’s true. I thought I’d always rather play with my toys than give them away. But with age comes maturity and the ability to understand the old adage’s wisdom. As you age, you can experience the wonders of the world many times over until their luster fades. However, a smile is a timeless marvel easy to obtain. So remember as you go throughout your life that true heroes aren’t praised for the riches they’ve amassed or the amazing feats they’ve accomplished, but rather for the lives they’ve touched and they smiles they’ve encouraged.:)


~~~~ Think back to middle school. It's the end of the year and it's time to sign yearbooks. You have your best friends sign yours, then some kids you barely know, and once you've mustered up the courage, the girl of your dreams.

And at the end of the day, you sit down and read their scribbles. You'd read the "Have a Great Summer"s, and the "Can't Wait 'til Next Year"s, and of course the "Your Great, Don't Ever Change"s. But did you really take to heart what the messages said? Because more than likely, as time went by, you've changed. I know I did. People change for different reasons, some to fit in, others to get by in life a little easier, and some to try to get that girl of their dreams. But remember what your yearbooks said, "You're great, don't ever change!" Kids are often seen as ruthless little beings that aim to hurt each others feelings. However, it's funny that some of the wisest and most uplifting words can also come from children. This blog sort of went with the last one in the "uplifting, feel good kind of way", but I just feel it's important to know that you are special, loved, and a great person. So during your hard times, when you're feeling down and out, remember that you truly are great, retain your child-like innocence, and don't ever change.


Fingerprints are an amazing thing! Even though there are over 6 and a half billion people in the world, no one has the same prints! Not only are we seperated by this physical trait, but also by our talents and abilities. We are all different, special in our own way. God made us all in His image, and every person unique. Therefore, don't compare yourself to another. When others succeed, praise their triumphs instead of loathing your shortcomings. Rejoice in their happiness, instead of drowning in your sorrows. The world is full of many different types of people, and each one has a story to tell. In life, it is our duty to listen to listen to one another and learn from their experiences. The world doesn't revolve around a single individual, but instead humanity as a whole. Therefore, be happy for your brothers' and sisters' achievements as if they were your own, for they better the world that we live in. Jealous only harms the envious, so learn to live and love and your life will be enriched in the process.

Yes, those are crowd surfing storm troopers.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Singles Awareness Day

Happy Valentine's day..even though that was three days ago. Sorry it's taken me so long to post another blog, but as I said, time flies.

The definition of a blog is an online, daily written record of (usually personal) experiences. However, in most of my blogs so far, I haven't really recorded what I've experienced, but rather how I've felt, and I definitely haven't posted updates daily. Therefore, in this blog, I'm just going to tell you exactly what happened on my Valentine's day...and well, I might also throw in my thoughts along the way.

Valentine's day was this past Sunday, and I didn't have a Valentine, so I decided to go home and spend it with my family and friends. Being single, you'd figure that Valentine's day was no fun, however, it turned out to be my favorite February 14th ever.

The day started out just like any other. I woke up, ate breakfast, and prepared for the long drive back to college. I had really wanted to see the movie Valentine's Day in theaters, but I hadn't had the chance to that weekend. (If you're wondering why I wanted to see it, the answer is two simple words..Taylor Swift.) So suddenly, after church, I got the bright idea to take my mom to the movie with me. Everything was going great, until she decided to stretch time as thin as possible. If procrastination is an art form, my mom is Picasso. Since so far, she's my only subscriber, she's bound to read this. So in advance, sorry for ratting you out.

Since we went to an early showing, she figured it wouldn't be very busy. Therefore, she decided to wait until 4:03 to meet me at the theaters...which wouldn't have been a problem if the movie didn't start at 4:05! She underestimated how many people wanted to see Valentine's Day on Valentine's day, and well.. it was packed. The worst part was, we only discovered it was sold out after I had already bought my ticket! So there we were with one ticket between two people and the previews already rolling. Needless to say, I wasn't very happy. We decided to just buy another ticket to a different movie, and try to sneak in anyways. There was only one seat available at the back of the theater, and so being the gentleman I am (lol), I decided to give her the seat and sit on the ground.
Halfway through the movie, sitting on the sticky theater floor, it finally became clear to me the lesson I was supposed to learn. Valentine's is about loving others, and that's what I needed to do. Love isn't love if you only love people's good attributes. You have to love everything about them.
You have to love them enough to wish the best for them, even if it means worse for you. You have to love unjudgingly and wholeheartedly. You have to love them enough to sit on the floor and laugh at their quirks and enjoy life's ride.

Therefore readers, take your eyes off of yourselves on "Singles Awareness Day" as well as every other day, and love others for all that they are. Help someone out and show them what love truely is. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you would be loved, love and be lovable." Peace.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Life Passes Fast, Write It Down

It's hard to believe that we're already five weeks into the semester. It seems as if we've only just started back! Unfortunately, this means that I have a few tests tomorrow, so hopefully those go well.

Anyways, back to the subject. Have you ever heard the expression, time flies? Well, it seems the older I get, the more I believe it. Also, even though I'm only nineteen, I think I might be becoming senile. The reason I say this is, I tend to forget a lot of things. Today, I looked for my keys for around twenty minutes, and they were in my door (senility at it's finest.)

This is just another reason that I'm writing this blog. Even before I was approached and asked to do this, I'd thought of keeping a journal (notice I said journal because diaries are for girls.) It's not that I just love writing, because honestly, I don't. It's that I just hate the thought of going through life, and not having a record of what I've done. Not only for accountability... and to find my keys, but for proof that I lived, that I affected the world, and touched others.

Therefore, if you feel as if time is flying, take some of it, and write down your life. Heck, you can even start your own blog. That way, you'll see how to effectively manage your time...or, as I've been feeling lately, how boring your day has been.

Well, I need to quit wasting "valuable" studying time. Peace.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Invention of Agape

So, I wasn't really planning on updating my blog very often, but I've realized...I sorta like it. It's almost like how people vent to others, to help rationalize their thoughts, and hope others empathize with them. Except that I'm venting to a computer that in no way can empathize with me, because it has no thoughts. So in a sense, nothing alike. Nevertheless, I like it.

Tonight's Friday, and I decided to go rent a movie to watch with my friend Heath while he worked. I've really been wanting to see The Invention of Lying, so I went to the red box to see if it had it. But of course, it wasn't there because if it was...well this would just be a boring blog.

Determined to push forward on this quest for Lying, I went to Movie Gallery to look for it. I didn't have an account, but I decided to try my luck. Well, I found the movie, and I went to the desk to check it out. Right off the bat, I was pretty sure the clerk wasn't having a good night. Turns out, I was right. For the next fifteen minutes, I stood there, with people behind me in line, listening to her problems.

This is where you'd expect me to say, I swept her off her feet and carried her into the sunset and listened to her problems, while my long hair blew eloquently in the wind (couldn't resist putting that picture in the blog haha)...but to tell you the truth, I was actually sort of annoyed.

I was focused on getting back to the dorms to eat my pizza. I was focused on watching my movie. I was focused on me. It wasn't until I got back to the dorms, that I realized how self-centered I'd been.

I've been reading a book called God is in the Small Stuff, and in it it talks about the four types of love. One of which is agape, which is love for others in the way that you desire happiness and well being for them. Instead of exhibiting agape, I selfishly put my desires first.

This week, I hope that as you go throughout your days, you remember agape. Remember that caring is giving, whether it be through donating money to relief efforts for Haiti, or just listening to clerks vent their troubles to you. So, my challenge for you this week is to remember what you've read, and live a servant's life. Much agape, Peace.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome to my world

Hello readers, welcome to the world as seen through my eyes. If you enjoy Call of Duty, watching movies, eating way too much junk food, and laughing until you're about to cry, you've come to the right place. If not.....well stick around anyways.

Today, I was approached by my boss and asked to do him a favor. Right off the bat, the movie Office Space popped into my head (remember, I really like to watch movies.) Surprisingly, he didn't need me to "come in on Saturday," but instead, to make a blog to show fellow SWOSU students exactly what goes on in the life of a freshman. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that my life is exactly like every other freshman's here, or that mine is more interesting. I'm just giving you access to my microcosm of life, hoping that in some way, it inspires you to laugh, be happy and get through your days. (In case you were in awe of my use of the word microcosm, don't be...I looked it up.)

Today is Thursday, February 4, 2010. The snowstorm hit here in Weatherford last Thursday, and today was the first day my car has moved for a couple of weeks. If you do the math, I'm pretty sure it comes out that last Thursday was less than a couple of weeks ago. That means, that even though it snowed and forced my car to stay put for the last week, I still hadn't driven anywhere in awhile. Which leads to one of two conclusions, either:

(a) I have no life.


(b) I enjoy mine so much I don't need to go anywhere.

..And well I like to think that it's choice (b). I've come to realize that how happy you are in life, isn't really determined by what the world limits you to. It's how you react to the conditions you're surrounded by. A smile truly is contagious, so try it out sometime. =)

....yes, that is winterfresh gum.