Sorry it's been so long since you've heard from me. I can't say I've been particularly busy, more like particularly lazy/unmotivated. But this past week, I finally heard back from Walgreens and once again, I'm here to tell you about my life!
The journey of my Walgreens employment is long and twisted, even though I've only been an actual employee since this past Friday. I actually went and interviewed with Walgreens at the beginning of the summer, and a few weeks later, I got a call back saying they didn't need me if I was only going to be able to work for the summer. After a few cries and beggings, they decided to give me a shot, on the condition that I work there at least one weekend a month while in school. So this past Friday, I showed up expecting to have the best day of my life. Unfortunately, it didn't quite turn out like I had hoped.
Once I arrived, I remembered that "work" isn't too much fun. If you've ever worked at a retail store, you've probably at some point had to face and front the shelves. It's a tedious task that involves just what it says, pulling items to the front of the shelves and make the label face the front. It definitely serves it's purpose, but is also probably one of the most boring jobs ever thought of. Especially when that's your task for seven hours straight. SEVEN HOURS!!!
Anyways, if that wasn't enough to fill my heart to the brim with joy, I also had the pleasure of meeting a work crew that had already established cliques within the first week. So being the new, college, wanna-be pharmacist clique turned out not to have too large of a following. A lot like my blog. lol
The one thing that I actually do like is that I feel completely like Jim Halpert from The Office.

Thank goodness for NBC sitcoms.
So this joyful week has made me wonder, what is so different about this job from my past three?
1. In my past three jobs, I worked with people that I already knew.
I believe that work is work, and what makes it tolerable, even enjoyable, is the people that you work with. Interactions with other people are what make us tick, so already having those connections when I started made the transition process very quick and easy.
2. In my past three jobs, I knew I wasn't going to be spending the rest of my life there.
I've always looked forward to the future and bigger, better times. It's important to set lofty goals, because they give you something to dream of and achieve. It's scary to not have them, because every day loses its purpose. And it's scary to think you've reached the end of the rainbow, when you don't see the pot of gold. <(What a great analogy, Cash! The end of a career search~(rainbow) and a pot of gold~(riches)>
3. In the past three, wait, two jobs, I've loved my bosses.
It's too early to tell whether or not this current one will attain their great levels, but through this, I've definitely realized that leadership DEFINITELY is a big part of happiness in the work place. ... Maybe that's why college places such emphasis on leadership...
4. In the past three jobs, I haven't had to drive half an hour to go to work.
But also.. In the past three, I haven't been able to have thirty minute jam sessions in my car before work.
So as much as I've sort of been dogging my current job, I AM looking forward to the future. I'm looking forward to learning more about pharmacy. I'm looking forward to establishing relationships with my co-workers. I'm looking forward to life.
Anddd if it doesn't work out, maybe NBC will give me my own sitcom..

Thanks for reading, and please leave me a comment if you have any opinions about work! :)