Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Simple Life
My goal in life is simple. To be a good man. To be a man that I would respect. Not the king of Sweden, or quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, but an honorable family man that enjoys life and cares for others even when there is no reason to. However, it is very easy to fall from the path of good and listen to the world’s definition of happiness. The world says to look out for yourself, that you come first. But I disagree. The world would be a cold place if we followed that advice. One of the main lessons I’ve learned in life is that people come first. It’s not just a hotel motto; it’s a way to look at life. As Alicia Keys so eloquently put it, “everything means nothing, if I ain’t got you.” The earth is special because it is the only planet that contains life. It’s not the biggest, or the brightest. It holds no marathon records for being the fastest to rotate around the sun (as far as I know). It’s special because of the people that inhabit it. When you were young, you always heard it was better to give than receive. Early in life, it’s hard to imagine that it’s true. I thought I’d always rather play with my toys than give them away. But with age comes maturity and the ability to understand the old adage’s wisdom. As you age, you can experience the wonders of the world many times over until their luster fades. However, a smile is a timeless marvel easy to obtain. So remember as you go throughout your life that true heroes aren’t praised for the riches they’ve amassed or the amazing feats they’ve accomplished, but rather for the lives they’ve touched and they smiles they’ve encouraged.:)

~~~~ Think back to middle school. It's the end of the year and it's time to sign yearbooks. You have your best friends sign yours, then some kids you barely know, and once you've mustered up the courage, the girl of your dreams.
And at the end of the day, you sit down and read their scribbles. You'd read the "Have a Great Summer"s, and the "Can't Wait 'til Next Year"s, and of course the "Your Great, Don't Ever Change"s. But did you really take to heart what the messages said? Because more than likely, as time went by, you've changed. I know I did. People change for different reasons, some to fit in, others to get by in life a little easier, and some to try to get that girl of their dreams. But remember what your yearbooks said, "You're great, don't ever change!" Kids are often seen as ruthless little beings that aim to hurt each others feelings. However, it's funny that some of the wisest and most uplifting words can also come from children. This blog sort of went with the last one in the "uplifting, feel good kind of way", but I just feel it's important to know that you are special, loved, and a great person. So during your hard times, when you're feeling down and out, remember that you truly are great, retain your child-like innocence, and don't ever change.
Fingerprints are an amazing thing! Even though there are over 6 and a half billion people in the world, no one has the same prints! Not only are we seperated by this physical trait, but also by our talents and abilities. We are all different, special in our own way. God made us all in His image, and every person unique. Therefore, don't compare yourself to another. When others succeed, praise their triumphs instead of loathing your shortcomings. Rejoice in their happiness, instead of drowning in your sorrows. The world is full of many different types of people, and each one has a story to tell. In life, it is our duty to listen to listen to one another and learn from their experiences. The world doesn't revolve around a single individual, but instead humanity as a whole. Therefore, be happy for your brothers' and sisters' achievements as if they were your own, for they better the world that we live in. Jealous only harms the envious, so learn to live and love and your life will be enriched in the process.
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